Hey all, i'm back with yet a few more bulls to share with ya!
This bull was taken by 17 yr. old Ian MacMillan and is his 2nd 370" class bull that he's taken with us! This hunt was a muzzleloader hunt and it was a fantastic experience for all of us! We called in and passed up some great bulls during the first few days of the hunt and it set the stage for the 4th morning! We were set up at first light to intercept the bulls in a meadow and the bugles lit up the morning just as the sun did. I was able to call 2 cows over to us and the deep growling bull followed shortly behind. I could tell right away it was a great bull and the shot was about to be perfect. Ian was on the shooting sticks and steady, the cows were about to get our wind and just then the bull walked into the shooting lane! I ranged him, Ian said he's got em', I said "take em'" and BOOM! As the smoke cleared we could see the bull was already going down for the count! The hunt, the experience and the bull were all exceptional and we all had a great time! Congrats Ian on yet another great bull!!