Hey all, there have already been a bunch of lucky folks who've had hits on their credit cards! Congrats to you all and we hope you got your 1st choice!
This year is already shaping up to be a great year for horn growth and we are all excited for the upcoming season!
We have been creating and updating our new Facebook page lately and hope you all will check it out and give us a "Like"! We will be adding new content there often and will be keeping everyone updated on the scouting season which is about to begin.
If any of you have gotten a card hit or find out you have drawn that coveted AZ Bull tag, give us a call or email if you are interested in what we can offer! We have a full list of reference numbers of past clients that we'll email to you and we strongly recommend calling everyones reference list before hiring any outfitter!
Here's a link to our new Facebook page!
Mullins Outfitters on Facebook