Howdy folks, sorry for the long delay between updates! I've got a ton of cool hunts and giant critters to share with ya, stay tuned!
First we have a phenomenal bear hunt to share with ya! It all started with a phone call from Phil Townsend from Yuma, AZ. He purchased the auction bear tag and was interested in a spot and stalk hunt! We love hunting bears with optics and have some great country to hunt so the hunt was on!
Mullins guide, Bryan Waitman, started the scouting early and found several handfulls of bears with several being great trophies. As anyone that's done it knows, stateland bear hunting can be one of the toughest hunts you can do, and looking for a trophy adds a huge element of difficulty to it. With dogs you can shop around and pass on bears at close distance, but spot and stalk hunting is much more challenging and much more rewarding for the hunter as far as we are concerned. With tons of experience behind him and tons of scouting done, Bryan was ready for the hunt!
Myself and friend Steve showed up several days in advance to get our bearings and Phil, along with his son Matthew and friend Ernesto showed up later for the hunt. It was on the first day that Steve found a huge bear and Matthew and Ernesto helped him pin down the location. Later that evening, after a grueling climb up one of the biggest mountains, we settled into position and relocated the giant bear in a small canyon. The rain started pouring down on us but with tripods in position and Phil on a steady rest, we waited for the bear to present a shot!

Finally, after a short wait the bear stood up and turned broadside..BOOM! Phil sent a bullet towards the bear but unfortunately instead of a solid hit he gave the bear a haircut instead! The bear then ran down the canyon and we sat and watched as the bear ran a full mile in a circle below us in the flats and then dissappeared unhurt! We hunted that bear exclusively for the next couple days without success and then decided to move on to hunt different bears. We looked over several other good bears in the next few days and had a great time!

Finally, after sorting through numerous different bears, we finally found the one that Phil liked and he said that was the bear he wanted! Here's some pics of the bear as he fed below my glassing position.
After a quick lunch and reveiw of my pics of the bear from that morning, we headed out early to set up on the bear. I had watched the bear go into a thick draw to bed so we had high hopes we would get back on him. With Ben and myself up high and Bryan and Phil coming in from the bottom, our plan was set but as soon as I got set up I looked down and the bear was out! It was hot and way to early for him to be out but he was and our plan shifted into high gear! Bryan and Phil had to hike the mile in faster than expected and in just a matter of minutes the bear got hot and went back into the thick draw to bed again.
Bryan and Phil finally got into position and after only a short wait the bear finally came back out! The bear walked up the same ridge that they were set up on and then skirted around the side just below them! Because of the slope and close proximity of the bear they had to sneak in close! Ben and I were on pins and needles freaking out at how close they were! I think it was 40 yards when Phil could finally see the bears head and neck above a prickly pear. Phil, not wanting to take any chances, decides to take the shot he had...BOOOM! The gun went off and the bear piled up in a heap! It was exciting just to watch such a hunt, I couldn't imagine the excitement they had up close and personal with the bear like that!
It was great making new friends with Phil, Matthew and Ernesto and I definitely look forward to hunting with them in the future! I wish Matthew and Ernesto could've stayed longer but I'm glad they got to share in Phil's hunt as much as they did at least! Bryan did an amazing job and put us in great bear country with tons of bears found, actually, I think last count was over 20 bears sighted which is amazing for stateland bear hunting! Thanks to everyone that helped out, Glen, Ben, John and Pam, and Steve! The hunt couldn't have happened as well as it did without you all! Congrats again Phil on a beautiful stateland, spot and stalk trophy bear! Mullins.
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